Save All SLDDWG in a user defined folder to PDF in a user defined folder

Modificado em: setembro 18,2024  
Downloads: 129  


Descrição:when the macro is run a form will appear input the desired folder location of the drawings you wish to save as pdf. A small line of text below the folder to open field will indicate if any slddrw files were detected. in the save to folder paste the desired save to folder for all PDF files to be saved. optional; if you wish to put a prefix or suffix to the saved PDF file put he text in the corresponding input fields. click ok to run the macro. A progress bar will appear showing the user the current status of running the macro. The marco will open a SLDDWG file then save as a pdf and close the file. It will repeat over all SLDDWG files in the desired folder
    Pré-condição: close all open solidworks documents run the macro from the tools>macro>run menu
  Pós-condição: check the save to folder and ensure all files are saved correctly.
Versão do SOLIDWORKS: Any
Linguagem de programação: SW_VBA


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Usuário desde: 18/09/2024
Título: Engineer
Designer, vba programmer
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